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Pharmacy Services

Travel Clinic

Get travel health advice and vaccinations including yellow fever at one of our local travel clinics

Get travel health advice and vaccinations including yellow fever at one of our local travel clinics

If you’re travelling outside of the UK, you may need to be vaccinated against certain diseases such as hepatitis, rabies and yellow fever. 

Don’t let illness impact your travel plans. 

Pop into your local Whitworth pharmacy for travel advice and products. Participating Pharmacies can also offer a vaccination service. Our online shop can provide you access to a range of travel products to browse at your convenience.

Shop Travel Products

Travelling abroad to certain countries can put you at an increased risk of suffering from certain diseases. Although the NHS vaccination programme in the UK can help protect you against the most common of these, you may need extra vaccinations that haven’t been included. 

This can include yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, Meningococcal meningitis, rabies, and typhoid vaccinations. Even if you had certain vaccinations in the past, you may need a ‘booster’ injection to ensure that you’re protected. 

Our pharmacists can help you understand the risks, provide vaccinations or malaria tablets where necessary and offer the advice you need to stay healthy, even when you’re away from home.

  • If you're planning a trip abroad, you should get in touch with a health professional at least 8 weeks before you travel. Some travel vaccinations require more than one injection. The earlier you can speak to someone about your travel plans the better.

    Step 1: Pop into your local Whitworth Pharmacy
    Start by popping in to say hello. We’ll take you into a private consultation room and go through a quick assessment to help understand what your health needs might be. 

    We’ll ask you questions about; 

    • Where you’re visiting and how long you’ll be staying

    • The purpose of your visit

    • Where you’ll be staying

    • What kinds of activities you’ll be taking part in

    • Your medical history (including previous vaccinations)

    • Any medication you’re currently taking

    Your pharmacist will decide whether you need vaccinations or antimalarials and let you know what happens next. 

    Step 2: Book your appointment
    If you need a vaccination, we will help you arrange an appointment at a date and time that best suits you. In certain cases, we may be able to do this on the same day. If you have phoned ahead to arrange your consultation, we may be able to do this faster. 

    We can offer the following private vaccinations;

    The cholera, Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccinations may be available on the NHS for free. Contact your GP for more information. 

    Step 3: Get your advice and vaccinations
    All that’s left is to come along and get your vaccinations, antimalarials or other travel supplies. Certain vaccinations may need repeat doses to be effective. 

  • 1. Are travel vaccinations mandatory?
    Certain countries require the Yellow Fever vaccination or the meningitis vaccine for entry. The remaining travel vaccinations aren’t mandatory, but they are the sensible way to protect your health. 

    2. How much do travel vaccinations cost?
    Travel vaccines vary in price so the cost depends on which of these. Please speak to your pharmacist for specific details. 

    3. How long do the Travel Clinic appointments take? 
    Usually, the Travel Clinic appointments take around 40 minutes but can be longer depending on how many people will need vaccinations.  

    It is always useful to read up on the country you are visiting and find out more about the culture, health risks, safety and security, local laws and customs, entry requirements and money. Useful resources on the country you are visiting can be found on these links:

Travel tips 

Here are some general travel tips for your next holiday.


  • Water can wash your sunscreen off and whilst in the water you might not realise how hot it is. Water can reflect UV rays increasing your exposure. Use a water-resistant sunscreen if you are likely to sweat or have contact with water.

  • DEET reduces the SPF factor of your sunscreen so be sure to get a higher factor of sunscreen than you would normally use.

  • Reapply sunscreen every 2 hours as the sun can dry it out from your skin.

  • Extra care should be taken with children ensuring they have the relevant sunscreen and use shaded areas wisely for the most intense times in the sun between 10 am and 4 pm.

Travel Insurance

  • No matter if you are away for six months or one week it's vital to be covered with travel insurance.

  • Always read the terms of your travel insurance as some will be void if you don't have the correct vaccinations.

  • Travellers will not usually be covered by their travel insurance policy if they travel against the advice of a doctor or medical practitioner.

  • If declared fit to travel, individuals must still declare any medical conditions or medication they are taking.

Food and water hygiene

  • Ensure good hand washing after visiting the toilet and before preparing or eating food. If this is not possible alcohol gel can be useful.

  • Avoid any uncooked food, apart from fruits and vegetables that can be peeled or shelled.

  • Avoid foods at buffets, markets, restaurants and street vendors if they are not kept hot or refrigerated / on ice.

  • As soon as diarrhoea starts, drink more fluids, such as oral rehydration formula, boiled, treated or bottled water, weak tea, soups or other safe fluids. Avoid any drinks that tend to remove more water from the body, including coffee, overly sweetened drinks, some medicinal teas and alcohol.